I don’t think a single one of us got out of the 90s diet and body image culture unscathed. Man, or a woman. Unrealistic demands and one size fits all impacted our mental health all over the world. The body positivity movement that’s prevalent now, is working hard to undo the damage that’s been done, and I’m here for it.

I am willing to bet that most of us have tried a diet or two. We might have noticed the needle on the scale move down, alongside our mental health. But who cared, as long as we fit into the jeans, we wanted to shrink ourselves into. Thankfully over the past years, this mentality has been changing, where we are learning to love our bodies, exactly the way they are. We are learning that the person who is the meanest to us, is us.
The average clothing size in the US for women is size 16 – 18. We are slowly, but surely starting to see the average women represent us in the media. On social media, TV, and movies. We are starting to see women rise up, and praise their bodies, with every curve, and wrinkle. Because every body is beautiful. That means you too.

As a photographer, I see the beauty in you. I’m in awe of how radiant you are, and my job is to highlight that. There is no such thing as a non-photogenic person. Being photogenic is a skill, not a personality trade. When we apply beautiful lighting, correct poses, and a little confidence boost, you’d be surprised just how photogenic you are.
Photographers like me have been fighting for the body image cause for years. The ones of us that see beauty in every single person we meet. We know exactly how to highlight your radiance, your confidence, your intelligence, and your beauty. After our session, we get really excited for you to see your images because all we see is how beautiful you are. Only to become deflated when the person comes back and points out all that they believe is wrong with themselves. What they’ve been taught is not acceptable for our bodies, such as a wrinkle or two. Never mind, that these so-called defects, are normal and should be celebrated. Now imagine if your partner tells you how beautiful you are, and you don’t believe them, because society has convinced you otherwise.

It’s been a tough road from body hate to body positivity. Photographers everywhere are celebrating this movement as we are seeing more confident men and women in our photo studios. We are seeing more people celebrating their bodies, and what it has done for us. Your body has carried you through life, and all its ups and downs. Most recently it carried you through a pandemic, which is its own type of trauma. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s it carried you through diet pills, restrictive diets, and excessive amounts of hairspray. For some, it carried you through childbirth, no sleep, and the stress that comes with motherhood. Maybe it carried you through trauma either mental or physical. Perhaps your body carried you through a loss of some sort of an illness. How can we not celebrate our bodies seeing how they’ve stood by us through thick and thin!
When you come to see me for your photos, know that I understand. Also know, that I see you, in all your beautiful, radiant glory. Know that I will take care of you and show you just how incredibly photogenic you are. I will guide you through our session, with the delicate care that you deserve. At my studio, we celebrate you, and all you have accomplished. We put you on a pedestal (sometimes literally) because you deserve it. You earned it.

Now say it with me. I’m an intelligent, beautiful, powerful person. My body is perfect and deserves to be celebrated for all the work it’s done for me.
Click here to schedule a non-obligatory call. We’ll discuss what you are looking for, and if we are the right fit for each other.