I recently had a friend shove her phone at me, in frustration, saying “You pick one!” It was a dating app, I started going through all the prospects and quickly saw what her frustration was. It didn’t offer much for profile text, so it was all about the images, and there wasn’t much to go on. When you have only seconds to make an impression, make the best one you can!
It’s not that hard to get engaging images, so let’s go over some basics, for the love of god. Unless you are on those sites/apps to repel women, or just feel like you’re doing something toward finding a match and have no intention of meeting a high quality partner, if that’s the case, please move on. Or seek some coaching (I have a few great referrals), life can be incredible adventure filled with deep love and connection, strive for more. However, if you’re looking for that magical relationship, partner, connection, we need to start with images that are going to get attention.
- Take the sunglasses off, women want to connect with you, not imagine you as hiding and reclusive. Show your eyes.
- Look at the camera, far off gazes look artsy and clever, but don’t convey your intention. Look her in the eyes.
- Have someone else hold the phone and take the picture, we don’t need to know how much nose hair you have, just yet.
- Have everyone else step out of the frame, just you, please. Show her who you are, not try to guess who you are in the crowd. You can tell her how social you are later.
- Smile. Yes, please smile. Smirks and grumpy faces aren’t the best ‘inviting’ micro expressions. Micro expressions tell quick subliminal messages, a big full real smile is the best one for looking approachable, trustworthy, inviting.
- Please, for the love of god, if you feel the need to blur or block out someone else in your picture, use a different picture. It’s so easy to set your phone on a chair or prop up on a book on the counter, and set the timer. Big smile.
- No crossed arms, this body language is aggressive and stand-offish. Open, welcoming, arms at your sides, on your hips, or hands in your pocket. Think happy thoughts.
Too challenging? Reach out to me and I’ll help you get a set of excellent images to show off your intention, your authentic, best self. I’m off to talk to my single guy friends now and take a look at what the ladies are posting for images, stay tuned for the Photo Tips for Women next!