The Spirit of You, Your Headshot
We evolve as business owners, employees, and as individuals. Through that evolution our energy changes as well. Typically we are growing into new levels of innovation, new levels in our business, and/or new levels in our company. Make sure your profile image, your About Me, your headshots, your business card image reflects the current you. You want people to recognize you, and know you, and like you -- in short, you want them to work with you and keep working with you.
Show them you are important, current on industry trends and with your profile pictures; show them you are an authority in your field with updated images.
No stress
Years ago when I was building my first website for my nutrition business, I found myself anxious, nervous, and sweaty. I needed some headshots.
I knew they needed to be professional and I had to look my best so clients would take me serious as a professional. I went to a friend that had "a really good camera" for my pro photos.
I didn't know what to wear, how to do my hair or makeup, if it even made a difference for the photo shoot. There was no direction, no help with expression or body language (not that I even knew what that was back then).
I felt lost.
Needless to say, I hated the images. They were not me, the expression didn't convey what I wanted to my potential clients.
Fast forward to when I started my photography business: I vowed that no one should EVER feel that way in front of my camera. I became obsessed with body language, micro expressions, and styling to convey intention.
No one should ever feel like they are going to get a colonoscopy when getting their headshot taken.
The headshot portrait and your business
Your image needs to make you and your business not only look professional, but also show your intention, your spirit, and create a connection with your potential clients in a split second!
It’s so important to have a visual brand that presents you in the best light.
Keeping your image update-to-date does wonders for your business. It helps you look relevant, trustworthy, and authentic here and now — not decades ago.
It also gives your business a personal touch: your best clients want to see and work with YOU — a real person — not a company.
I know that the right headshot portrait can tell a whole story about you, which is why we dig deep into your intention at the start so it comes through in your final expression.
As business owners we work to innovate and rebel against the industry standards to offer better service and products to our clients. To do this, we need to standout, have our story show cased.
In your business you strive to be the best and offer creative solutions to your clients. You want to be known as trusted and reliable. You want to grow to new levels and be able to contribute to our community. I work to help busy heart-centered business folk showcase their brand story and create headshots and photographs that relate your intentions, are authentic, and show your dedication to their industry and clients.
It’s very important to have a visual brand that presents you in the best light, and an excellent image will make you and your business look more professional, show your intention, and create a faster connection with your potential clients.
Keeping your pictures update-to-date look can do wonders for your business by helping you look relevant, trustworthy, and authentic. It also gives your business a personal touch: your best clients want to work with you, a person, not a company.
The right head shot can say a lot about you and help potential clients learn more about you. I work hard to make sure your intention comes through in your expression, in a stress-free session, so that you get more than a typical headshot.
With great images you can stand out on various platforms and show the dimensionality of your business, your intention, and values. Contact me today for a complimentary consultation.
What's a headshot vs personal branding?
A headshot is a very specific crop, typically with limited use (company website, social media thumbnail). Personal branding is storytelling, showing your brand, you, your business, your intention, working with clients, and more.
Team Headshot Session
Does your whole office or team need updated headshots that are consistent? I offer group (for 3 or more people) sessions at a discount. We can get everyone in and out with fresh, consistent images for your businesses. Letting your audience see an authentic and professional team. As your team grows, I'm here to help as well.
I can even arrange for light makeup & hair touch-up services with a professional makeup artist. She can be on hand during the group sessions to help people look and feel camera ready.
Let's talk about what your marketing, headshot, &/or company profile needs are and how I can help.
Personal Branding Session
I need a series of images for profile pictures, our About Me section, some for blogs we're writing, some showing the behind the scenes at my office, our business cards, and some for marketing material we are going print up. Oh, and can I get a few for email signatures as well as for our newsletter?
Personal branding session, more than a headshot, on it! Let's talk more about your brand, your clients, and how we will represent you and your business in these images.
Personal Branding is an important way in which people remember you, whether that’s for your business, dating, or celebrating an amazing transformation you’ve had. The more you can define who you are and what you do, with a clear intention or ‘why’, the more authentic you will come across. The objective is to create a solid know-like-trust factor with potential clients. The more clients understand who you are, see you as a human that understands their needs, that is genuine, and is someone they might even like to know, the more likely they are to work with you over your competitors. I help creating a sense of this authenticity and openness through images that showcase your story.

"Mariah, I just need a quick headshot, a couple images to put in our flyer for an event we are hosting. Hopefully we'll have a lot of new clients come out of it!"
"Mariah, can I get some product photos of my new line? It's gorgeous and I want some images for marketing!"
"Can we take this to Europe? I need to show my international brand and some of my team at our other locations."
You got it, contact me and I'll work something out for you, so you can get back to doing what you love!
Contact me today to learn more!
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